MB2-701 Dumps

  • Pass MB2-701 Exam By Training Lead2pass New Microsoft MB2-701 VCE And PDF Dumps (21-30)

    Lead2pass provides guarantee of Microsoft MB2-701 exam because Lead2pass is an authenticated IT certifications site and the high class of the products are developed due to extensive hiring of the experts staff. The MB2-701 study guide is updated with regular basis and the answers are rechecked of every exam.What’s more, you can download the free demos in PDF file, it would be a great help for your exam.

    In Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013, you create several web resources containing PNG and ICO images.
    Which of the following statements about using image web resources is true?

    A.    Image web resources can be used only for ribbon button controls.
    B.    Image web resources cannot be used for ribbon button controls or site map subareas.
    C.    Image web resources can be used only for site map subareas.
    D.    Image web resources can be used for ribbon button controls and site map subareas.
