[PDF&VCE] Free Download Of Lead2pass C_TBW45_70 Real Exam Questions (11-20)

[PDF&VCE] Free Download Of Lead2pass C_TBW45_70 Real Exam Questions (11-20)

2016 August SAP Official New Released C_TBW45_70 Dumps in Lead2pass.com!

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No doubt that C_TBW45_70 exam is a worth challenging task but you should not feel hesitant against the confronting difficulties. Lead2pass is supplying the new version of C_TBW45_70 VCE dumps now. Get a complete hold on C_TBW45_70 exam syllabus through Lead2pass and boost up your skills. What’s more, the C_TBW45_70 dumps are the latest. It would be great helpful to your C_TBW45_70 exam.

Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/c-tbw45-70.html

Which of the following statements are true concerning direct access by queries to data in source systems? (Choose two)

A.    Direct access is possible for transaction data (using VirtualProviders) as well as for master data.
B.    Direct access has to be enabled in the BEx Query Designer.
C.    Direct access is possible for DB Connect, UD Connect, File and selected SAP source system DataSources only.
D.    Direct access is possible for UD Connect and selected SAP source system DataSources only.

Answer: AC

Which of the following statements about the size of a dimension is true?

A.    The absolute number of entries in a dimension should be as small as possible.
B.    The relative number of entries in a dimension in relation to the fact table is the only factor that influences
the performance of the system in the future.
C.    If a dimension has almost as many entries as the fact table, it and all of its characteristics must be categorized as a line item dimension.

Answer: A

Which of the following statements is true of the star schema of InfoCubes in SAP NetWeaver BI? (Choose three)

A.    Characteristic values are stored hierarchically in dimension tables.
B.    Master data information is stored outside the dimension tables.
C.    The SID table represents the connection between the master data and dimension tables.
D.    SID technology simplifies the sharing of master data.
E.    Characteristic InfoObject master data must always be stored in dimension tables.

Answer: BCD

The star schema in SAP NetWeaver BI is an enhancement upon the classic star schema due to the following… (Choose two)

A.    … aggregated key figures are stored in fact tables.
B.    … master data is stored outside the star schema.
C.    … external hierarchies are used.
D.    … the usage of dimensions.

Answer: BC

The new filter can be used in queries as well as in planning. Which of the following statements are correct? (Choose three)

A.    The default values determine the initial filter status of the query.
B.    The default values are ignored when using the filter for data selection in a planning sequence.
C.    ‘Changeable upon execution’ determines whether the value selection can be changed during query execution.
D.    Filters can be used in queries but they can only be created or changed in the planning modeler.

Answer: ABC

Which of the following statements about navigation attributes is correct?

A.    You can add navigation attributes to the data model of an InfoCube, without having to reload the data
that is already contained there.
B.    The read mode of the query can be used to compensate for the loss in performance which arises from
the additional read step in the selection using time-dependent navigation attributes.
C.    The time-dependent navigation attribute Material Group for characteristic Material can only be activated
as a navigation attribute in an InfoCube if Material Group is also assigned to a dimension of the InfoCube.

Answer: A

Which of the following tasks can be performed in or can be called from the Data Warehousing Workbench? (Choose three)

A.    Creation of DataStore Objects
B.    Creation of Variables (central wizard)
C.    Process Chain Maintenance
D.    Creation of SAP Transports for BI Objects
E.    Design of BI Web Applications

Answer: ACD

Which of the following are true concerning conceptual layers in Data Warehousing? (Choose two)

A.    The Operational Data Store layer consists of the processes that manage data within and across the
data warehouse and data marts. It is mainly used for backup and recovery, and reloading data.
B.    The Persistent Staging Area layer is the central point of data integration in the Data Warehouse. It
delivers a common and historic view of enterprise data.
C.    The Data Warehouse layer is a subject-oriented, integrated and non-volatile collection of data.
It is the source of data for the data marts, delivering a common view of enterprise data.
D.    The Data Mart layer is customized and/or summarized data derived from the data warehouse and
tailored to support the specific analytical requirements of a business unit or function.

Answer: AC

The IT Scenario ‘Enterprise Data Warehousing’ in SAP NetWeaver BI includes which of the following features? (Choose three)

A.    Data Acquisition
B.    Planning Services
C.    Open Hub Service
D.    BEx Broadcaster
E.    Process Chains

Answer: ACE

Web services enable data integration through XML. Which of the following BI objects provide XML data? (Choose two)

A.    Web Service DataSources
B.    XMLA Java Connector
C.    XML Forms Builder
D.    Web Service InfoProviders

Answer: AB

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